Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One of Those Weeks

Have you ever had a week where you just feel like giving up? When it just seems like nothing is going right. Well, this has been one of those weeks. Sunday, two of our dogs died; Monday, Todd was laid off along with all the other workers at his job; Tuesday, my car broke down. Today, however, has been going well so far...LOL. Last night I felt so defeated. So, I turned my radio to WDJC and just started singing while I was getting dinner ready. I decided that I am not going to let it get me down. I started thinking about what Priscilla said at the Deeper Still conference. God brings us to the wilderness, because when you are flat on your back then there is nowhere else to look but straight up. So, I am doing just that. I have such a wonderful family and my life is so blessed.

I think about how God carries me though hard times. How he is such a merciful God. It just makes me wonder how lost people make it through struggles. Who do they turn too? I can't imagine going one day without God holding my hand. I know the rest of this week is going to be great, because I won't let it be anything else!! :)


Unknown said...

Great post Stephanie. Sometimes it does seem like life's struggles will get us down but what a wonderful Heavenly Father we have to lean on and give Him all our cares and worries. A scripture to stand firm on is John 16:33 - it is great!!

Deanna said...

You go girl! You are being obedient to God's Word. 1 Peter 5:7 says to cast all our cares on Him for He cares for us. And the next verse talks about our enemy walking around waiting to devour us like a roaring lion. Be steadfast in the Lord my precious youngun. He cares for you. And by the way, so does your Mom. You are one of the bright spots in life to me.
Love you to pieces.